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Brutal to not be able to swap out bags and when you remove the small one you lose your big one. Bruuutal.

Anyway, it's a neat concept and a lot can be done with it. I've been dreaming up all sorts of games based on this premise. Well done for game jam.

Found the waste bin at about 100 kills. Now it's a game.

Hahaha yeah the trash bin icon was really bad, I did it in the last 3hrs, and yes that will be fixed next update.

(1 edit)

Yeah, in the next update we are making bags purchasable and it will just increase the size. This was probably the bug I hated the most. You have to know which small bag suits you so you don't lose the bag. I do have it written in the Description of the game on the page.

Yeah, and I still lost 2 other bags after realizing that. Slow learner. Got up to 350 or so kills trying to grind out max everything but had to give up and go to bed.  :) There was a point at about mid-armor that I stopped taking damage. Obvious just a concept thing but a few small tweaks and it can be a bit more challenging.

Yeah if you leave it running for a while you will take damage but not sure how long that would be

But WOW 350 is the highest I have heard someone get too. Thank you so much for playing.


I'm only 25 kills in but I have a few notes/suggestions:  

  • I like the music choice and sound design, it's oddly soothing   
  • The game having to be in-focus in order to progress is always a bit annoying when it's an idle game  
  • Hovering to show loot stats only works when they are in the loot bag, but you can't see the stats for equipment that is equiped  
  • I put items (1-3) in a specific order because I thought that was the order they would be used, but instead they just use the strongest item (health potion) first, even if I place it last  

 So far I'm really liking the game. When I play video games I am absolutely a loot goblin so inventory management is just a part of life for me. I'm enjoying having to strategize what to keep versus sell versus delete.  

It also looks like there might even be a story based on the text that pops up underneath the fight screen? I'm interested to see how the game progresses


At this stage for health potions the hero uses them at 20% health and will use the biggest bottle, as it takes 2 slots over 1 slot, so you save space having them equipt, but they do sell for more (next version bags will be buyable only which will give coins a use)
I am looking at improving the way stats are shown, that was a last day implemented to game.
I'm glad you enjoyed playing :)


Is there an upper end for each type of item?

3 dmg knives, 20 bag, 3 armor legs


In this version 4 colours T1- orange-copper , T2-yellow-bronze, T3- silver-iron, T4-Blue-mithril.
There is each armour piece, 1 dagger, 1 shortsword, and 1 round shield.
I already have art for the tall shield and tower shield for the next update and want to do a light and medium armour set, as well as 2 handed weapons. 

But for this version, there is only 4 tiers T1 is +1 andT2 is +2 so on.

Should bronze feet be +2, not +1?